Our projects and workshops through the years, designed and developed by Project Bracket members. Open source on Github.
Flutter is a social platform for students to share resources from different classes at Diablo Valley College.
A board game developed by Ryan and made playable digitally with Unity.
An object detection model using OpenCV and other Python libraries.
A cafeteria app with a similar structure to Yelp.
A mafia-type, 3C video game made in Unity.
A sleek and up-to-date website for DVC students to explore events on campus and to exchange items through a moderated marketplace.
A general purpose tool for students to navigate campus and the resources available from DVC.
A chatbot that functions as a virtual counselor to help users in topics relating to DVC.
A platformer game where the user has to defeat unique mobs and collect items in order to score enough points to reach the end of the level.